To get in touch with our Operations Officer, Richard Lawrence, please use the form below.
Counterstrike is the inheritor of a history of business consultancy that goes back over 50 years. Over the course of this time, experience after experience has built up a formidable range of skills in assessing and analysing what steps need to be taken to help a business grow and succeed. A common factor throughout our history has been the way that we help people in key positions maximise their potential.
Industrial Control Consultants
The aim of ICC was to extend the established techniques of work measurement, quality control and production management and find methods to dramatically increase the efficiency of industry.
Ian Lawrence Associates
Industrial Control Consultants merge with Design and Sales promotion company, Ian Lawrence Associates in order to present their discoveries and deliver these improvements.
Sales Efficiency
Centred in the Midlands the majority of clients were in the motor industry and a separate sales and marketing group – Sales Efficiency – was created to design, test and market new components and auto-electric systems. At a time when British Industry was having to learn how to cope with a new intensity of competition the partners worked in many industries and created and operated in retail, technical and speciality sales organisations.
Gathering together all of the experience of working in industry and with the development of management theory and training methods, Ian Lawrence became the first Principal of the newly formed IUE. The aim of IUE was seen as ‘a need to raise vision and improve skills in realisation’.
After many years of consultancy, IUE evolved into CounterStrike – retaining Ian Lawrence as Senior Consultant and adding the energy and experience of Richard Lawrence as Operations Officer. CounterStrike was formed to deliver increased turnover and training to companies facing the challenges of the current business environment.
To get in touch with our Operations Officer, Richard Lawrence, please use the form below.
35 Hope Street
L1 9DZ
07967 648 820