04Personal Performance

Many people want to improve themselves to be better leaders, better businessmen and women, more effective thinkers and have more personal power. 

The truth is that for all of us, life is a race against time and often we only truly understand something when it is too late to do anything about it.

What can spend countless years gaining experience slowly and learning almost by accident with no overall plan for improving our abilities. This route is haphazard and the lessons we learn are often the result of chance. As the years fly by, it is normal to become unsatisfied with our own abilities. 

Or, we can supercharge this process. By simultaneously working on our Physical, Emotional and Intellectual capacities to a individually designed plan, we can develop at a rate that we never thought possible.

Richard Lawrence, the designer of these programs was the Operations Officer of Task Force Helmand in Afghanistan before he was 30 years old. Since leaving the Army, he began to refine methods to train people how to be more robust in mind, body and emotions, more effective in leading and thinking and above all, in more control of themselves. 

Seeing that the key to this development was to ensure that each individual had a bespoke program of development, he created the CounterStrike Personal Profile Assessment. Uniquely, this assessment includes all aspects of our performance, Physical, Emotional and Intellectual. What is created as an end result is a comprehensive report on our current state of ability with an individual training plan to supercharge our progress.     


To get in touch with our Operations Officer, Richard Lawrence, please use the form below.

35 Hope Street
L1 9DZ